My Mindset Coach

Steph Panther

Business Story

May 2018 | Sofia Simeonidou

Steph is a sunny person. There's so much alignment between who she is and her mission. She can make you see it's all possible, she can easily guide you through change. She's been there, she knows. It's a mindset change. 

Steph, what is it that you do?

I’m a mindset coach for expats, for people in a transition phase, navigating a new country, a new career, a new relationship. And it might all be happening at once as it usually does. I help them to get clarity, to follow their goals and to feel confident with everything they’re experiencing. I work on specific challenges with a holistic approach. 

What’s your background?

I used to work as an intensive care nurse. Before becoming a coach I was a healthcare specialist and worked in the industry for ten years. I love working with people and from a young age, I was fascinated with human behaviour. My dream job was to teach university students. For ten years I worked hard and when I got the job I suddenly realised this wasn’t it. This wasn't my dream job. That was a scary feeling because I had no idea what my dream job was. That’s how I found coaching. At age 27, my dream job wasn't my dream job anymore and I had to reinvent myself.  Personal coaching was the best vehicle I found that helped me do just that. So now - this is who I help - I help people who are in a transition phase.

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People in the midst of change?

Yes, because I know that feeling all very well. And yes, it doesn’t necessarily matter what the change is - it is about managing all the uncertainty of change. I work with driven people who are uncertain of their next steps and they feel stuck. I understand that uncertain feeling myself, it can be scary when you don’t know what to do next or who to ask for support. So I was lucky to find coaching, I just said yes and jumped into an intensive coaching programme. I learned so much and completely transformed myself - I still am!  From that point, I knew this was too good not to share. I wanted to help others transform their lives too. 

Who’s your ideal client?

Someone who is driven expects a lot from themselves and is going through a state of change. They care about people and want to create a positive impact.

Do you work with clients from around the world?

Yes, both from around the world and local Amsterdam based. When I first came to Amsterdam I had no network, I was relying on my network in Australia (my home country) so it was more of an online business. Now I start doing more face to face work with clients although most love the flexibility of online meetings.


Becoming an expat is a great opportunity for personal growth.


Why in Amsterdam?

I followed my heart which was also a scary thing at the time. A big life change. I followed the love of my life, so I decided to take the leap and come here. I wanted to try it for a couple of months and see how it goes but I loved it and so I stayed. That was two years ago now. Becoming an expat is a great opportunity for personal growth. You have to get to know the culture, the food, the attitudes, lots of different things, a lot of new information coming at you. That's why I love working with expats, they're navigating change every single day.

Steph Panther

What differences do you see between Melbourne and Amsterdam? 

Well, to be honest when I was in Melbourne I was studying, and working as a nurse, so I wasn't very aware of what was going on business-wise so when I came here I wanted to expand my network to find people on a similar path. Amsterdam and Melbourne are different in many ways but I think Amsterdam is a fantastic place to start a business. It wasn’t difficult to meet entrepreneurs and people launching startups, and overall it's a very supportive business environment. 

Do you have your own space/office?

I’m set up in a coworking space called We Work and I have a consulting room here for face-to-face coaching and workshops. When I arrived in Amsterdam I started off at my kitchen table, then later working from different offices and locations so I’m really happy now. 

What is it that you like about coworking spaces?

I love the energy of an inspiring community of people around me doing interesting and impactful work. Even if we are working on our own projects, I think we are all better together. 

Favourite colour?

Yellow, hands down. 

Do you have a favourite app that makes your life easier?

What I use the most is iCal. I have appointments and clients around the world and it’s been the best thing for my organisation. Asana would be second to that. 

What does a good day look like?

The first thing that comes to mind is when I’m having deep connections and making a profound difference to my clients’ lives. And of course a productive day is a good day but what drives my business is clients getting results. I love that.

steph panther

Would you go back to a 9 to 5 job?

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a 9 to 5 job. For me right now I love the flexibility of what I’m doing and I’m working more than 9 to 5. Maybe I’d consider it but it’d have to be very aligned with my business and vision. Something like injecting energy into companies. In any case, I love what I’m doing now. 

What are the challenges?

I miss having a team, which is something I used to love when I was a nurse. I’m mindful of that and so I try to collaborate more with people. I love being with people, I love working in a team or in some sort of collaboration. 

What would you be if you weren't a coach?

I’d be a personal development educator or trainer.  And maybe also a famous saxophone player.

Do you play the saxophone?

I just started. 

Future plans?

I’m planning for more group sessions, a mastermind group and an ascension model for private coaching. I’m building an epic resource hub for clients and that will be ready soon. A few collaborations are happening, including one with Spark Women, an entrepreneur business platform. In the future I want to create holistic wellness events, bringing people together to form a community. I’ll be looking for a team of wellness experts to join forces with.

My Mindset Coach. Get in touch with Steph and get InstagramFacebook social. 

by Sofia Simeonidou

Amsterdam based writer and designer. Wellness entrepreneur, certified fitness trainer and RYT yoga teacher. Writes about lifestyle choices, good food, and seemingly spontaneous success moments.



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